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Todo el mundo necesita unas vacaciones. Nada es mejor que alejarse por unos días o semanas para relajarse, divertirse y disfrutar. En efecto, las tensiones de la vida definitivamente puede empezar a afectar a una persona si él o ella no se toma el tiempo para escapar de vez en cuando. Sabiendo lo importante que …. Read More
Installing rugs and carpets provides many benefits, because they have unique characteristics not found in other coatings. Floor mats provides insulation and comfort, as the fibers and the sub base of the mats are excellent thermal insulators. In colder climates have the advantage of keeping longer tempered air, reducing heating costs. Furthermore, the surface temperature …. Read More
When the humid weather begins, you may notice that your entry appears necessary to clean every few hours – especially if the entry experiences heavy traffic out of the streets. To stop the dust, dirt accumulation and humid at the point of entry, an entry mat is likely to be the solution. Entry mats helps …. Read More
There are a wide range of carpet, full of innovations to make the work ambiance a cleaner, comfortable and safe place.However, more than an esthetic product, industrial mats are designed to cover almost all needing of your company. In order to choose the carpet that best suits the working environment, you must determine all your …. Read More
There are some particular jobs that requires being stand for a long period of time. In these situations, there’s a great chance of body injuries, that includes joints and back problems, related to holding the same position. In this situations, a anti-fatigue mat could be the solution, but if it involves an industrial enviroment, a …. Read More
In any industry that implies working and handling electronic equipment, prevention of unwanted electrostatic discharge becomes a priority. The use of any device or product that prevents or helps prevent or eliminate static electricity to protect itself or other devices such as anti-static mats prevent damage caused by electrostatic discharge. It is therefore essential to …. Read More
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is an electrostatic phenomenon that causes an electrical current flow suddenly and momentarily between two objects of different electrical potential, as the current in a lightning rod after being hit by lightning. The term is generally used in the electronics industry and other industries to describe momentary unwanted currents that may cause …. Read More
The term static refers to the accumulation of excess electric charge in an area with low electrical conductivity, an insulator, so that the accumulation of charge persists. The effects of static electricity are familiar to most people because they can see, notice and even get to feel the spark discharges that occur when the excess …. Read More
Conductive mats are often used in order to protect workers and employees from high voltage and electrocution. These kind of mats have wide uses in industry, factories and any place where high voltage equipment are implied. These mats literally conduct electricity from the body to the ground, thus avoiding strong electric shock. Conductive mats really …. Read More
Rubber mats are popular items today, as they offer superior versatility to those rugs made of textile. Maintenance is also very simple and last longer than rugs made of wool. The rubber mats are an effective way to protect floor treatments as well as being ideal for indoor and outdoor., because rubber can resist solar …. Read More
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