Como decorar una habitación infantil
La decoración también debe ser realizada en algunos espacios dedicados a los más pequeños del hogar, como es el caso de los niños y los bebés, en esta oportunidad te enseñaremos algunos trucos de decoración para habitaciones infantiles. Las habitaciones infantiles no deben ser espacios donde descansar sino que también deben ser un lugar para …. Read More
Ejercicios fiscos para el gimnasio
Hacer ejercicio y actividad física son dos buenas maneras de prevenir enfermedades y mantenernos siempre jóvenes, sin embargo no siempre tenemos tiempo o no contamos con el lugar adecuado, pero existen algunos sitios especiales como por ejemplo los gimnasios en donde podemos realizar actividad física de forma segura y además con un instructor. Uno de …. Read More
Diferentes usos y aplicaciones de los tapetes antiderrapantes
Los tapates antiderrapantes son uno de los tipos de tapetes más utilizados en comercios, en la industria, en el hogar, y también poseen otras aplicaciones debido a sus características y que su calidad de materiales de construcción son muy buenos y son fácilmente adaptables a cualquier espacio, uno de los lugares en donde más se …. Read More
Entrance mats
Mats can be used to add ambience to a place, making it warm and spacious. Choosing the best mat depends on the effect you want, the place where mat is going to be occupied, since this depends on the right material. The Mats are a perfect decoration that also can provide other benefits. Choosing …. Read More
Commercial kitchen mats
In the industry of hospitality and food handling, slips and falls are the cause of between 20 and 30% of accidents that end in long sick leave duración. The biggest problem is that the floors should be clean and smooth to being esailed disinfected, but the presence of water, vegetable oils, animal fats, blood, flour …. Read More
Cushioned kitchen mats
One of the most stressful and demanding are those made in a kitchen. The most common causes of fatigue in the kitchen is the stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time, and this is the most common cause of joint injuries. Of course, fatigued employees generally have low morale, morale and are not …. Read More
Safety mats
Often, we believe that the carpets are just aesthetic elements, designed to make the rooms more comfortable and even embellish them with its presence. However, new technologies make us consider mats as key elements in the protection and safety of human beings who work in environments with high-risk conditions. For example, for people …. Read More
Rubber Kitchen mats
Mats are very basics and aided in home decorating. Along with pieces like the curtains are indispensable tools for the dress any space. However, kitchen mats are not just decorative objects or helpers to maintain the cleanliness of you often, but have become elements of security in accidents sensitive places such kitchens. Rubber Kitchen …. Read More
Restaurant mats
Working in a kitchen of a restaurant can be a wonderful experience, but can also pose a number of significant hazards to both the worker and the owner of the restaurant. Employers have a legal and moral obligation to keep workplaces safe and healthy. There are also financial incentives: the loss of a valuable worker …. Read More
Floor mat
Installing rugs and carpets provides many benefits, because they have unique characteristics not found in other coatings. Floor mats provides insulation and comfort, as the fibers and the sub base of the mats are excellent thermal insulators. In colder climates have the advantage of keeping longer tempered air, reducing heating costs. Furthermore, the surface temperature …. Read More