Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is an electrostatic phenomenon that causes an electrical current flow suddenly and momentarily between two objects of different electrical potential, as the current in a lightning rod after being hit by lightning. The term is generally used in the electronics industry and other industries to describe momentary unwanted currents that may cause damage to electronic equipment.
ESD prevention is made by electrostatic protection area (EPA). The EPA may be a workstation or small manufacturing a large area. The main reason is that an EPA: not highly material to be carrying around sensitive electronics to ESD, ground all conductive materials and ground workers. Thus the accumulation of cargo in ESD sensitive electronics is prevented. When planning and designing an EPA (Electrostatic protection area) is essential to use conductive materials where ESD mats are mandatory.
ESD mats are made in specially designed materials that can ensure the safe transport of product, while eliminates client-side risks and concerns. ESD mats are complete solutions, that can be tailored to each situation.